Does Prayer Make a Difference in Times of War?
By Jocelyn Green
Today, like the rest of you, I honor our nation’s veterans. I happen to be married to one of them, and soon we’ll be dining out where Rob will get a free “Blooming Onion” as thanks for his service to our country. It seems a little funny to me, but we still appreciate it.
As a former military wife, I also appreciate the fact that behind every veteran is a family. And when that service member is sent to war, the loved ones at home go through their own personal battles as well against unseen enemies of fear, premature grief, anxiety. These emotions are not unique to the military family, but they are certainly intensified during times of war.
Casualties are a guarantee. Wives will be widowed. Children will be orphaned. Parents will become childless. This much we know, for this is war. What we don’t know is when and where death will strike. So, does prayer really make a difference? Below, Navy wife Leeana Tankersley shares her heart on the matter in this excerpt from Faith Deployed . . . Again: More Daily Encouragement for Military Wives (Moody Publishers 2011).
An Outcry
By Leeana Tankersley
But I cry to you for help, O LORD;
in the morning my prayer comes before you.
Why, O LORD, do you reject me
and hide your face from me? Psalm 88:13-14
in the morning my prayer comes before you.
Why, O LORD, do you reject me
and hide your face from me? Psalm 88:13-14
I’ve had an on-again-off-again relationship with prayer. At times, prayer has felt like the only lifeline I’ve had left. Other times, it has felt as ineffective as screaming into a tin can with a string tied to it.
I’ve had to give myself permission to wonder if prayer even makes a difference, to question whether or not my pleas actually turn the hand of God in any direction at all. Is God so cryptic and callous that He asks us to pray but then doesn’t actually take our prayers into consideration?
The Iraq war started when my husband and I were engaged. Without notice, he was off the radar, and I had no idea where he was or when I’d hear from him again. I remember the night the war started, listening to the radio reports of a helicopter down in the Gulf. The flight had originated from the last place I had heard from him, so of course I assumed the worst.
Prayer, in that wretched moment, seemed like the only possible answer and—at the very same time—a complete and utter mystery to me.
People send their loved ones off to war every day, praying for their safe return, and they never see them again. How do we reconcile such an inconvenient reality? My prayers may not save my husband. So, then, why do they matter?
I turn to the Psalms for some help with these types of questions. The Psalms are some of the rawest prayers in print. Particularly Psalm 88. It’s an outcry. I love that. And it’s questioning the very validity of a prayer life. I love that, too.
Kathleen Norris has a great description of prayer. She sees it as an incessant beginning. Every morning we get up, and our prayer life begins again. We never conquer it, achieve it, complete it. Prayer, she writes, is “being ourselves before God” (The Cloister Walk, 134, 282).
I’m trying to embrace this notion of beginning again and again and again. Going back to God, turning toward him, returning to him—even as that feels repetitive and unproductive. I’m trying to accept the fact that prayer doesn’t move along in a linear fashion, accomplishing as it goes. It moves in a spiral, drilling down into us like a jackhammer tilling up concrete.
Some days I can just manage to breathe in God’s direction and somehow, in the sacredness of that unspoken spoken, he breathes back. And, I’ve found, we can go a long way like that.
Sometimes we wish prayer to be the rudder that changes the course of our entire lives. Yet, I wonder if it’s our hearts—through the small spokens, the actual truths, the directed breaths—that end up changing. And that’s more the point than anything.
Am I making prayer a part of my life?
Am I able to be honest with God about my questions and doubts?
God, I’m willing to pray even though I don’t completely understand how it all works. Give me the faith to return to you, each and every day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Veterans, I salute you and your loved ones today and every day. For more encouragement for military wives, visit www.faithdeployed.com.
About the Author:
Jocelyn Green, the wife of a former Coast Guard officer, is an award-winning author, freelance writer and editor. Along with contributing writers, she is the author of Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives (Moody 2008), and Faith Deployed…Again: More Daily Encouragement for Military Wives (Moody 2011). She is also co-author of Battlefields & Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from the War in Iraq/Afghanistan (AMG Publishers 2009). She is the chief editor for www.WivesinBloom.com, the online magazine of Christian Military Wives (a branch of Christian Military Fellowship) and a contributor to the Web site www.StartMarriageRight.com. Jocelyn graduated from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, with a B.A. in English, concentration in writing. She is a frequent speaker at military wife events, women’s church groups, and writers conferences, and is an active member of the Evangelical Press Association, Christian Authors Network, the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and the Military Writers Society of America. Visit her at www.jocelyngreen.com.
Readers, Please leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of Jocelyn's book. We will choose a winner at the end of November.
Thanks for your post. May we always realize the even if we don't hear from God immediatly, an answer to our prayers, we can know that He has heard them.
May God Bless and keep those that serve our country.
Thank you to all of those that serve our country.
Thank you for your blog, it's been very helpful since I'm going through my second deployment and it's nice to read how others have dealt with it.
I am so thankful for meeting an amazing group of women, including the Chaplain's wife, right before my husband's next deployment. I believe the fellowship and support of those women and the Grace of God will get me through...maybe the book as well! :)
My hubby is currently deployed and its hard to express my feelings to other people, but growing closer to God through the rough times and knowing He is always there to listen is a great comfort.
Great post, Mary! I often struggle with wondering if my prayers are ever good enough. I hear people speak with such big elaborate prayers and mine just seem so minuscule, but I do have faith that God hears even the smallest cry so I press on.
I would love to win a copy of Faith Deployed as well!
Amanda Miller
amiller012803 at gmail dot com
Thsnk you for this. What ablessing to know we aren't a lone and can turn to God over and over again.
I am so excited to learn about your book. My husband is leaving in a few months for his second deployment and I could really use this to help me cope.
I am so excited to find out about your book! My husband is leaving in a few months for his second deployment and I could really use it to help me cope!
Jocelyn, thank you so much for writing your new book. My father is a WWII veteran on full disability. My son's ashes are at the military cemetery on the West coast.
Yvonne Ortega
I am so excited to find out about your book! My husband is leaving in a few months for his second deployment and I could really use this to help me cope!
As my husband and I prepare for our 4th deployment in 6 years, I would love to read this book. Often I find myself stepping away from God and trying to handle things on my own when in fact that's just when I should put my faith in Him even more and trust that He has a plan in all of this chaos.
Oh and I just saw the info about the Online Book Club with this book. Would LOVE to get in on that. It will be right before my hubby deploys.
Will definitely be sharing your wonderful blog entry, Jocelyn, and following you, Mary. Thank you for this!
Well, I thought my comment went through, but then it never showed up. I'm back again. Mary, I will definitely be following your blog and sharing it on my Facebook page. Thank you, Jocelyn, for sharing about such a relevant issue on such a significant day. Blessings to you both!
Very profound. I love her desription of prayer as more about seeking God than the outcome. I am leading a group of wives through Fatih Deployed #1. Eager to read part 2.
Leanne Miller
Navy wife
Can't wait to read the new book and thank you for tackling a difficult subject!
Great post! I would love to read this book! My husband is getting ready to leaving on his second deployment to Afghanistan and I can feel myself dreading this one much more than the last. This is so encouraging. Thank you!
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