Monday, May 07, 2012

What I (re)learned at Walmart last night.

Last night I went to Walmart to pick up a few items - okay, not a "few" because who goes to Walmart and walks away with only a few items? Anyway, as I  walked across the parking lot toward the store I noticed a young man in his twenties walking out of the store with a woman I assume was his mother. She was pushing their cart with both hands while he kept one hand on the bar next to hers and leaning against her ever so slightly. She walked, he walked. She paused to check for traffic, he paused. She crossed the drive, he crossed the drive. Not once did he hesitate to follow her lead, and they moved together in perfect sync with the apparent practice of many years. As I walked toward the store and passed them in the parking lot, my suspicion that the man was blind was confirmed.

Immediately, I thought of the numerous Scripture references to God leading us such as Psalm 31:3, "For you are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for your name's sake, lead me and guide me". He will always lead, but of course, I actually have to follow Him. So many times I feel as if I'm blind going in to a situation. Am I leaning on Him? Is my hand resting next to His so that I can follow His lead, or am I trying to "push the cart" on my own, not looking both ways, or perhaps, not looking up? Am I walking with Him in sync after years of following?

Here are a few things about following God's lead that were reinforced to me last night:

* He will protect me from harm.
* He is always trustworthy.
* He is always looking out for my best interest.
* He wants me to "lean" on Him.
* He is the leader in this dance of life; I'm to follow.
* He can see; I'm blind.
* It takes time to learn to walk in sync.
* I should never hesitate to follow God's lead.
* I can walk with confidence.

Thank you, young man, for what you taught me last night!


Glory said...

That is totally a slap in my face. How I've been doing and trying to plan things last couple of months! I realised I need to stop planning, but didn't really stop totally. Time for me to quit, and depend on His guidance..
Thanks Mary.

fcspatti said...

Thanks for sharing this, Mary! It is a reality check! Looking forward to seeing you at the end of the summer.

Linda Goldfarb said...

Powerful truth Mary. Thank you

Gary said...

Thanks for affirming the vision of the "blind".