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I LOVE the Word and I love storytelling and I want others to
fall in love not only with the Word but also with the concept that they can
become a living parable, a living story pointing others toward the Ultimate
Living Parable––Jesus Christ.
What do you hope
readers will gain from your book(s)?
That the parables are not isolated stories only used for
sermon illustrations, but when read together they give us a picture of how we
are to live as kingdom people. Through the parables we learn how to become
living parables in a world desperate to "see" God.
The title of your
study is Parables & Word Pictures; just what is a “word picture?”
There are some teachings of Jesus, such as when He says,
"I am the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep" that
aren't technically parables but are what I call parable word pictures because
the image tells the whole story.
It has been said that
Jesus spoke in parables to “confuse and confound” and you say you have a “key”
to making these less confusing and confounding to modern-day readers. What is
this key?
It wasn't until I studied the parables as a whole that the
whole message they convey became clear, so the key is a comprehensive look at
the New Testament parables.
Storytelling is a big
part of our culture. Everywhere you turn there is a new story; how can we use
these parables to reach our neighbors and friends with their story-telling
For me, this is what studying the parables is all about. It
is about shaping our lives after Jesus that when others "read our
lives" they see Him. How we treat others, how we respond to sorrow and
obstacles tells a story. When asked how and why we are able to be at peace, or
turn the other cheek, we don't need a canned presentation. We simply share our
story of how God's story has changed us.
The study concludes with a look
at the Parable of all parables. Tell us about this because this is the heart of
your study.
I remember the moment when in preparation for writing this study I understood
that Jesus not only taught parables, but He was a parable––a living parable. In
fact, He was the Ultimate Living Parable who lived His life as an example of
what a life shaped by the truths taught in the parables should look like. Likewise,
you and I have been invited to live parable-shaped lives so we, too, might
become a living parable in a world begging to see God.
Thank you, Cheri!
To order Cheri's book:
I LOVE to chat with readers so to get the ball rolling here is a question...
What is your favorite parable and why?
It is always wonderful to learn about a new author. My favorite parable is the story of the Prodigal Son... It gives me hope :)
That is one of my favorites, too. It does give hope.
By the way, did you know the word "prodigal" is never used in the Bible? the title given the parable by Luke is the Lost Son, but as I point out in the study, both sons are lost. Which son is the story about?
What a great parable with so many things to discuss. Thanks for writing.
I enjoyed this interview and learning about your new book. Creating pictures in our minds helps us to relate to the written word. I like what you are doing with the parables.
Great interview.I truly enjoyed it and I am always happy to meet new authors.Thanks so very much for sharing with us.
Nancee and Jackie, it is great to hear from you. I'm happy you liked the interview and even happier you love the parables as I do.
May you have a blessed week!
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