I'm so pleased to tell you about a new book by my friend Lane Jordan. Her books always get right to the point, are practical, and are an easy read. In Lane’s new book, 12 Steps to Becoming a More Organized Woman, she shares practical tips for managing your home and your family with God at its core.
Can a woman be more organized? That's the million dollar question - at least it is at my house! In today’s fast paced world, trying to keep “it all together” is just plain difficult, and sometimes downright impossible . Yet, I don’t believe that God wants us to live so furiously that we are not at peace in our daily lives.
So what is the answer? Perhaps by coming back to God’s Word and seeing what He says about how we are to go about our day-to-day lives. Our God is a God of order. The creation story in Genesis makes it clear, and 1 Corinthians 14:33 reminds us, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.”
Each chapter of Lane's book takes you one step closer to becoming more organized, covering such issues as a woman’s walk with God, her relationships to everyday problems like time management, creating healthy meals, raising Godly children and restoring herself. This book is not just for married women, but for singles as well - something our nation is experiencing in higher numbers than ever before. Living our lives the way God calls us to and not conforming to the world brings much joy, peace and a more organized life.

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You can find “12 Steps to Becoming a More Organized Woman at your local Barnes and Noble, Family Christian Store, and on the web at www.Amazon.com ; www.BarnesandNoble.com . Or contact Lane at: www.LaneJordanMinistries.com
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